
Best's Review-Número 2 105 2004


Publication: Best's Review

Number: Número 2 105 2004

Type: Normal

Rights: InC

Title Author Pages
Tort reform : more than damage caps : arbitration, class actions and loss control are important pieces of a very complex puzzle
Finding arbitration's place in the process
Winning small : insurers that pressure agencies to increase their books of business may be initiating their own demise
Old cat - New tricks : creative new uses for catastrophe bonds help generate more capital, deals and investors
Securitizing terrorism risk could be next
Patents pending : insurers no longer enjoy open season on the product innovations of competitors
Preparing for the fall : risk managers usher in new soft market
Drilling down on fraud : auto insurers can attack the big problem of fraud by paying attention to the details hidden in claims
Property/Casualty marketplace
Stressing the positives : insight : more Americans view insurers favorably, but there's still dissatisfaction over the use of credit in auto insurance
Surviving the squeeze : insight : managing general underwriters must travel the tough road back to pricing accounts accurately and profitably
Loss/Risk management notes
The real thing : insight : distinguishing good models from bad ones relies on some rules of thumb
Who shot equitable lif? : when one of the United Kingdom's most respected insurance companies collapsed, observers blamed managers, auditors, regulators and the government, but who is most at fault?
Insuring hope : insurance for individuals with AIDS in Africa is hard to come by, but carriers are making changes to help the millions enfected with the disease
On the road to improving health
A picture of health : MetLife's database has spawned an illustrated guide to understanding and managing the health issues behind employee absenteeism
Life/Health marketplace
Undercover agents : insight : life insurance companies have finally heard the consumer and are bringing understandable, less costly and appealing products to market
Conceive the inconceivable : insight : the risk exposures are real, and so are the tools to manage them
Talking in code : will a mandate to update the national medical coding system help health-care providers and minimize the coder shortage or add significant costs for insurers and providers without benefits?
Weaving compensation into the whole : enterprise incentive management can help insurers influence diverse distribution channels and gain an overview of channels, products and markets
Key business factors in evaluating EIM Technology
Unlocking value : insight : outsourcing is an important tool to help insurers manage claims
Advice for sale : employers are expecting more service from their employee benefits professionals than ever before
6 Steps to mission accomplished : avoid over-budget and incomplete IT projects by starting out with a focused list of business requirements