
Best's Review-Número 10 105 2005


Publication: Best's Review

Number: Número 10 105 2005

Type: Normal

Rights: InC

Title Author Pages
Battle of the blues. Round 2 : three years after their separation, Highmark and Capital BlueCross are holding their own in a healthy -but spirited- competition
The need to know. Insight : insurance companies face a challenge to meet the demands for greater transparency at the point of sale
Covering the bases : universal life policies with guaranteed death benefits are driving the market, but the bigger trend may be that life writers are broadening their product lineups
The place to be : insurers are beginning to participate in the merging of marketing and entertainment
Life Insurance in 2005
Life Marketplace
The Five P's of Underwriting
Funding the inevitable : the California Earthquake Authority appears ready for the big one
The quantitative imperative : new analytical techniques require new talent. Companies can choose to leapfrog the competition or be left behind
A clearer understanding : the underserved market for breakdown coverage is small, nonmanufacturing businesses
Pay de piper . as the Superfund trust fund runs out of money, will the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency become more aggresive in pursuing the insurers of bankrupt polluters to pay the hafty expense of cleaning up toxic waste sites?
Property/Casualty Marketplace
Prognostication elevated : models based on numerical weather prediction are being used to generate potential losses from winter storms
End of an Era : after beginning his career 34 years ago in Farmers Insurance Group's claims department, CEO Martin D. Feinstein is retiring
Loss/Risk Management Notes
A silver lining : Sarbanes-Oxley compliance may reveal hidden dividends for insurers
A profound change : the SMART bill's most far-reaching change may be preemption of state approval of rates
A higher policy : a recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling protects insurers from covering the illegal deeds of their homeowners policyholders
Opening the door to a Lawsuit : employment practices risks also apply to homeowners who hire domestic help
Finding the good life : life reinsurers enjoy the prospect of fresh business opportunities in the United States and elsewhere as more life insurance is sold to older policyholders
Resolving insolvencies : reinsurers are thrust into a difficult position when a cedent becomes insolvent
Retooling auto: the science of automobile insurance ratemarking is benefiting from modeling advancements
Glimpsing the future : emerging technologies bring insurers a competitive advantage