
Risk : risk management, derivatives, structured products-Tomo 22 Número 9 - 2009

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Publication: Risk : risk management, derivatives, structured products

Number: Tomo 22 Número 9 - 2009

Type: Normal

Rights: InC

Title Author Pages
The Chemistry of compensation Madigan, Peter
Warranting approval? Pengelly, Mark
Provisioning for the future Clark, Joel
Opening cards Pengelly, Mark
A Tangled web Whittall, Christopher
Ahead of the herd Clark, Joel
Tackling the tempest : risk interdealer ranking 2009 Cameron, Matt
Flying low Cameron, Matt
Calibration of local stochastic volatility models to market smiles Labordère, Pierre Henry
Last option before the armageddon Brigo, Damiano
Murky business Wood, Duncan
Unlocking information Davidson, Clive
It's not the econometrics, stupid Sheedy, Elizabeth
Financial network risk Rowe, David
Starting from scratch Cambpell, Alexander