
Prevention of major industrial accidents : An ILO contribution to the International Programme on Chemical Safety of UNEP, the ILO and the WHO (IPCS)

Sección: Documentos electrónicos
Título: Prevention of major industrial accidents : An ILO contribution to the International Programme on Chemical Safety of UNEP, the ILO and the WHO (IPCS)
Publicación: Geneva : International Labour Organization, 1991Notas: Precede al tít.: An ILO code of practiceSumario: General provisions -- Components of a major hazard control system -- General duties -- Prerequisites for a major hazard control system -- Analysis of hazards and risks -- Control of the causes of major industrial accidents -- Control of the causes of major industrial accidents -- Safe operation of major hazard installations -- Emergency planning -- Information to the public concerning major hazard installations -- Siting and land-use planning -- Reporting to competent authorities -- Implementation of a major hazard control system -- Materia / lugar / evento: Accidentes mayores Prevención de riesgos Instalaciones industriales Planes de emergencia Análisis de riesgos Productos tóxicos y peligrosos Otros autores: Organización Internacional del Trabajo
Otras clasificaciones: 834.1
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