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Sección: Documentos electrónicosTítulo: The Big Tech in HealthcarePublicación: [New York] : Business Insider Intelligence, 2018Notas: Sumario: Health organizations are increasingly turning to tech companies to facilitate this transformation in care delivery and lower health expenditures. Tech companies' expertise in data management and analysis, along with their significant compute power, can help support healthcare payers, health systems, and consumers by providing a broader overview of how health is accessed and delivered. Seeing an opportunity to tap into the lucrative healthcare market, four of the largest US tech companies - Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft - are accelerating their health-focused efforts.Materia / lugar / evento: Salud DigitalSanidad PúblicaSanidad privadaInteligencia artificialBig dataNuevas tecnologíasTransformación digitalEmpresas tecnológicasOtras clasificaciones: 931.3Derechos: In Copyright (InC)