
Unobtrusive vehicle motion prediction cues reduced simulator sickness during passive travel in a driving simulator

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Título: Unobtrusive vehicle motion prediction cues reduced simulator sickness during passive travel in a driving simulator / James Jeng-Weei Lin... [et al.]
Notas: This study investigated cues that permit prediction of turns during passive movement through a virtual environment. Effects on simulator sickness (SS), presence and enjoyment were examined. Subjects were exposed to complex visual motion through a cartoon-like simulated environment in a driving simulator. The results support the hypothesis that unobtrusive and unreported motion cues may alleviate SS in a virtual environmentRegistros relacionados: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 48, nº 6, 15 May 2005 ; p. 608-624Materia / lugar / evento: Ergonomía Realidad virtual Tecnologías interactivas Vehículos de motor Métodos de evaluación Modelos de simulación Seguridad pasiva Otros autores: Lin, James Jeng-Weei
Títulos secundarios: Título: Ergonomics
Otras clasificaciones: 875