
Smoking, exposure to crocidolite, and the incidence of lung cancer and asbestosis

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Título: Smoking, exposure to crocidolite, and the incidence of lung cancer and asbestosis / Nicholas H. de Klerk... [et al.]
Notas: Sumario: The aim of this study was to examine the separate and combined effects of smoking and exposure to crocidolite on the incidence of lung cancer and asbestosis in workers exposed only to crocidoliteRegistros relacionados: En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 6, June 1991 ; p. 412-417Materia / lugar / evento: Medicina laboral Enfermedades profesionales Enfermedades pulmonares Cáncer Epidemiología Asbestosis Tabaquismo Amianto Otros autores: Klerk, Nicholas H. de
Títulos secundarios: Título: British journal of industrial medicine
Otras clasificaciones: 873