
The Efficacy of different methods for informing the public about the range dependency of magnetic fields from high voltage power lines

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Read, Daniel
The Efficacy of different methods for informing the public about the range dependency of magnetic fields from high voltage power lines / Daniel Read and M. Granger Morgan
Sumario: The AC electric and magnetid fields associated with high voltage power lines have become a concern as a possible health risk. This paper confirms the earlier finding and explores a number of strategies wich might be used in risk communications to correct this misperception
En: Risk analysis : an international journal. - New York and London : Society for Risk Analysis. - Vol. 18, nº 5, October 1998 ; p. 603-610
1. Campos electromagnéticos . 2. Líneas eléctricas aéreas de alta tensión . 3. Percepción del riesgo . 4. Comunicación del riesgo . I. Morgan, M. Granger . II. Título.