
The Effects of work-rest schedules and type of task on the discomfort and performance of VDT users

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Título: The Effects of work-rest schedules and type of task on the discomfort and performance of VDT users / Rana Balci, Fereydoun AghazadehAutor: Balci, Rana
Notas: Consideration of the literature survey indicates that video display terminal (VDT) operators tend to have a high incidence of muscoloskeletal problems, visual fatigue, and job stress. Althought a number of ergonomic improvements in workstation design and work environment can help to reduce these problems , a proper work-rest schedule deserves consideration since it is easily applicable and inexpensive. The objective of this study was to compare the work-rest schedules for VDT operators considering data entry and mental arithmetic tasksRegistros relacionados: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 46, nº 5, April 2003 ; p. 455-465Materia / lugar / evento: Pantallas de visualización de datos Productividad Lesiones musculares Lugares de trabajo Ambiente de trabajo Ergonomía Síndrome del Trauma Acumulativo Análisis de puestos de trabajo Otros autores: Aghazadeh, Fereydoun
Títulos secundarios: Título: Ergonomics
Otras clasificaciones: 875