Veysey, Sarah
Financial market turmoil may temper rate reductions
- Veysey, Sarah
- En: Business insurance. - London : Crain Communications INC., 2006-. - 22/09/2008 Número 22 -Septiembre - 2008
- Artículos y Capítulos
U.K. risk managers call for automatic disclosure : brokers work on market-led solution
- Veysey, Sarah
- En: Business insurance. - London : Crain Communications INC., 2006-. - Número 14-Julio - 2008
- Artículos y Capítulos
Call for views as end of block exemption looms : pool may close if exemption is removed: Assurpol
- Veysey, Sarah
- En: Business insurance. - London : Crain Communications INC., 2006-. - Número 30-Junio - 2008
- Artículos y Capítulos
E.U. demands evidence if insurers are to keep competition waiver : tight deadline has been set...
- Veysey, Sarah
- En: Business insurance. - London : Crain Communications INC., 2006-. - Número 5-Mayo - 2008
- Artículos y Capítulos
Environmental capacity in U.K. is ample : experts
- Veysey, Sarah
- En: Business insurance. - London : Crain Communications INC., 2006-. - Número 19-Mayo - 2008
- Artículos y Capítulos
Buyers believe E.U. "softens" stance on subscription market : horizontal pricing likely to remain...
- Veysey, Sarah
- En: Business insurance. - London : Crain Communications INC., 2006-. - 25/02/2008 Número 25-Febrero 2008
- Artículos y Capítulos