
Best's Review-Tomo 111 Número 2 - 2010


Publicación: Best's Review

Número: Tomo 111 Número 2 - 2010

Tipo: Normal

Derechos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Claims redux : resurrected Katrina claims hold a lesson for adjusters and insurers Cornejo, Rick
A New look : Katrina drove criticism, change and innovation in cat models Cornejo, Rick
The Tide turned : in the wind-versus-water debate, insurers floated to the top Cornejo, Rick
Open for business : commercial insurers continue to view the Gulf Coast region as a viable area to place coverage Hermenway, Chad
Setting an example : Louisiana keeps the politics out ot its resurgent property/casulaty market Herneway, Chad
Five years, zero progress : The National flood insurance program remains broken and drowning in debt Hamilton, Jesse A.
An Alternate Route : Katrina helped to create the need for temporary capital-raising vehicles such as sidecars Green, Meg
Practicing what they preach Slavin, Al
Small-business risk may be an inside job : when times get tough, workers seem more phone prone to filing discrimination claims O'Shaughnessy, Jeffrey
Shopping the international market : U.S. based health plans are scanning overseas horizons for new growths Chordas, Lori
Field of dreams : operational efficiency and cost containment top insurance CIOs' post-recession wish lists Chordas, Lori
Building blocks : business architecture helps carriers close the "integration gap" between IT and the business Ouimett, Gates
Finding the right fit : competition has narrowed the differences among states wanting onshore captive domiciles Slavin, Al
Real sleep-at-night : educating clients about their policies avoids unpleasant surprises when they file claims Ewing, Lance
A Careful approach : caution prevails as insurers rethink investment strategies Green, Meg
Opportunity knocks : given what many customers face, ther may be no better time for planning Dempsey, Kay I.
Segmenting singles : with singles now at 43% of the adult population, life insurers and distributors must find ways to match products with individual needs Panko, Ron
The Changing risk environment for financial institutions
Returning sanity to large life plans Swanson, Eric
Avoiding catastrophe Pozzi, Steven R.