
Emissions from oil and gas operations in net zero transitions : a world energy outlook special Report on the oil and gas industry and COP28

Emissions from oil and gas operations in net zero transitions : a world energy outlook special Report on the oil and gas industry and COP28 . — [Paris] : International Energy Agency, 2023
33 p.
Sumario: This report aims to inform discussions on these issues in the run-up to the COP28 Climate Change Conference in Dubai in November and is part of a broader World Energy Outlook special report to be released later in 2023 focusing on the role of the oil and gas industry in net zero transitions. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Gases . 2. Petróleo . 3. Emisiones . 4. Transición energética . 5. Control de emisiones . 6. Energía . 7. Efecto invernadero . 8. Metano . 9. Tecnología . 10. Congresos . I. International Energy Agency . II. Título.