
OECD economic outlook, interim report (September 2023) : confronting inflation and low growth

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OECD economic outlook, interim report (September 2023) : confronting inflation and low growth. — Paris : OECD, 2023
27 p.
Sumario: Global growth is projected to slow, remaining below trend in 2023-24, while inflation moderates but remains above target. Key downside risks include the possibility of a harper-than-expected slowdown in China and a continued rise in oil prices. The Interim Report says that monetary policy should remain focused on bringing inflation back to target, while increased efforts by governments are needed to rebuild fiscal space and respond to future challenges, including the climate transition. Structural policy efforts need to be reinvigorated to strengthen growth prospects, with a key priority being to revive global trade. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
ISBN 978-92-64-55503-7
1. Macroeconomía . 2. Perspectivas económicas . 3. Valoración de riesgos . 4. Inflación . 5. Política económica . 6. Crecimiento económico . I. OECD . II. Título.