
Birds' modern insurance law

Birds, John
Birds' modern insurance law / by John Birds and Norma J. Hird. — 6th ed. — London : Thomson Sweet & Maxwell, 2004
XLVIII, 425 p. ; 22 cm
Insurance law is governed to some extent by the general law of contract. Over the years, however, it has developed many principles of its own, which present new challenges and complexities fo the student of insurance law. It provides an invaluable analysis of the increasingly complex legal rules affecting contracts of insurance. The aim throughout is to offer a concise explanation of the fundamental principles of insurance law in a straightforward manner
ISBN 0-421-87800-2
1. Derecho de seguros . 2. Contrato de seguro . 3. Unión Europea . 4. Gran Bretaña . I. Hird, Norma J. . II. Título.
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Signatura: 13 BIR BIR — Nº de registro: 038463
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