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MAP20071017841Aerosol evaluation difficulties due to particle deposition on filter holder inner walls / M. Demange... [et al.]Sumario: The analysis of aerosol particles collected on aerosol samplers is most generally performed on the filter alone. A chemical digestion method, performed directly inside the filter cassette, avoids any external pollution or sample loss due to handling. A systematic comparison of these two methods, performed on different industrial sites, demonstrates that a sometimes significant fraction of the sampled aerosol deposits on the inner cassette walls, resulting in severe underestimation of the occupational hazard with the first method. A review of published laboratory studies clearly indicates that every particle entering the cassette is part of the sampleEn: The Annals of occupational hygiene. - Oxford [etc.]. - nº 4, August 1990 ; p. 399-4031. Higiene industrial. 2. Contaminantes químicos. 3. Aerosoles. 4. Contaminación atmosférica. 5. Control de la contaminación. 6. Muestreador. 7. Filtros. 8. Muestreos. I. Demange, M.. II. Título. III. Título: The Annals of occupational hygiene.