
Foot-ground forces on sloping ground when lifting

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Zhao, Y.
Foot-ground forces on sloping ground when lifting / Y. Zhao, S.K. Upadhyaya and M.S. Kaminaka
Sumario: Slipping risk associated with manual material handling on inclined surfaces was investigated using a 2 (exp 4) factorial experimental design under controlled laboratory conditions. The reaction force data at the shoe sole-sloping surface interface, the box trajectories, and the subjects'assessment of the risk involved in carrying out the prescribed tasks were obtained and analysed both analytically and statistically. The results of these analyses are presented in this paper
En: Ergonomics. - London [etc.]. - Vol. 30, nº 12, December 1987 ; p. 1671-1687
1. Ergonomía . 2. Biomecánica . 3. Carga de materiales . 4. Planos inclinados . 5. Deslizamientos . 6. Extremidades inferiores . 7. Fuerza muscular . I. Upadhyaya, S.K. . II. Kaminaka, M.S. . III. Título. IV. Título: Ergonomics.