
Supplementary guidance

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Smith, Debbie
Supplementary guidance / Debbie Smith
The Construction Products Directive (CPD) within Europe has taken a major step towards full implementation whit the completion and publication of the new Europe fire test methods and classification standards covering the primary areas of reaction to fire, fire resistance and external fire performance of roofs. The article explains its implementation in relation to fire safety in England and Wales
En: Fire prevention. - London. - July 2002 ; p. 41-44
1. Reacción al fuego . 2. Resistencia al fuego . 3. Sistemas de protección contra incendios . 4. Métodos de análisis . 5. Seguridad contra incendios . 6. Lucha contra incendios . 7. Unión Europea . 8. Reino Unido . I. Título.