
An Existential approach to risk perception

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Langford, Ian H.
An Existential approach to risk perception / Ian H. Langford
Existential, or existential-phenomenologiacal philosophical appoaches to the social psychology of risk perception provide a novel framework for unederstanding issues that are common to all humanity, such as a fear of death, freedom and responsability, isolation and meaninglessness, as these anxieties are fuctions of existing, or being in the world. The article presents three examples, which examine perceptions of climate change, food-related risk, and environmental awareness via a mixture of quantitative and qualitative tecniques
En: Risk analysis : an international journal. - New York and London : Society for Risk Analysis. - Vol. 22, nº 1, February, 2002 ; p. 101-120
1. Percepción del riesgo . 2. Comportamiento humano . 3. Psicosociología . 4. Miedo . 5. Psicología social . 6. Análisis de riesgos . 7. Gerencia de riesgos . I. Título.