
What's Business for?

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Handy, Charles
What's Business for? / Charles Handy
The are more such stories of enlightened business in both American and European companies, but they remain the minority. Untill and unless they become the norm, capitalism will continue to be seen as the rich man's game, serving mainly itself and its agents. Worse, democratic pressure may force goverments to shackle corporation, limiting their independence and regulating the smallest details of their operations
En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - December 2002 ; p. 49-55
1. Dirección de empresas . 2. Dirección estratégica . 3. Capitalismo . 4. Crisis empresarial . 5. Política empresarial . 6. Intervencionismo estatal . 7. Dirección de las limitaciones . 8. Política económica . I. Título. II. Título: Harvard business review.