
Screening man-made vitreous fibre exposures by gravimetric dust measurements

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Título: Screening man-made vitreous fibre exposures by gravimetric dust measurements / T. Scheider and N.O. BreumAutor: Schneider, T.
Notas: Sumario: Gravimetric measurements have practical advantages and suggestions have been made to approach MMMF exposure evaluation either on a dual gravimetric/fibre count basis or by use of a gravimetric screening test. This paper describes Danish experience in the derivation and performance of a gravimetric screening limit value (SLV) as against a correct hygienic index which combines both respirable fibre and total mass concentrations. The system is considered to have many advantages, but the adopted SLV should be checked before use under new or changed conditionsRegistros relacionados: En: The Annals of occupational hygiene. - Oxford [etc.]. - nº 4B, 1987 ; p. 547-555Materia / lugar / evento: Higiene industrial Fibras minerales artificiales Man-made mineral fibres Fibra de vidrio Contaminación atmosférica Métodos de análisis Valores TLV Otros autores: Breum, Niels O.
Títulos secundarios: Título: The Annals of occupational hygiene
Otras clasificaciones: 872