MAP20200022756 Private healthcare, adding value : situation analysis 2019 / IDIS. — Madrid : IDIS, 2019 140 p. . — (Informe ; nº 9) Traducido bajo el título: sanidad prividad, añadiendo valor. Sanidad privada, aportando valor : análisis de situación 2019 Sumario: The contribution of the private healthcare sector -- National quantitative data: Represents a large portion of Spain's productive sector; Frees up public health resources; Improves the public's access to healthcare; Collaborates with the public system; Provides advanced research and development through next-generation technology; Seeks to continuously improve the quality of healthcare; Creates jobs and helps train healthcare professionals -- Quantitative data by autonomous regions -- IDIS in the Spanish healthcare sector -- Members of the IDIS Foundation 1. Sanidad . 2. Sanidad privada . 3. Productividad . 4. Asistencia sanitaria . 5. Sanidad Pública . 6. Atención sociosanitaria . 7. España . I. Instituto para el Desarrollo e Integración de la Sanidad . II. Informe ; nº 9 . III. Título.