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11th CEO Insurance Summit in Asia : Singapore, 21-22 march 2011

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CEO Insurance Summit in Asia (11º: 2011: Singapore)
11th CEO Insurance Summit in Asia : Singapore, 21-22 march 2011. — Geneva : The Geneva Association : Association Internationale pour l'Etude de l'Economie de l'Assurance, 2011
(Études et dossiers ; 374)
Programme of the 11th CEO Insurance Summit in Asia / GA -- Official Keynote Address / Meil Lan Luz-Foo -- Special Address I: Changing Rules: Changing Games? Repositioning the Insurance Industry / Patrick M. Liedtke -- CEO Special: Lessons from Mount Everest: from Good to Great / David Lim -- Industry Keynote Address II: Repositioning in the New Era: Debut of a 91-year-old / Gordon Watson -- Growth Nuggets, Prospects and Opportunities / Mark Saunders / Building and Managing Sustainable Insurance MNC Operations in Asia / Gordon Perchtold -- Risk Management: From Blunt to Sharp Instrument in Fostering Growth / Steve Crouch -- Keynote Address: Asia: Many Markets or One? / Geoff Riddell -- Risks: The Thinkable and Unthinkable: Which are we Managing? / Doug Caldwell -- Building CEO Legacies: Imperative Training and Human Resources Skills for Successful Future CEOs / Roderick F. Haire Haire, J. Robert Scott -- Switching Gear: Profitable Growth: From Fantasy to Reality? / Dirk Schmidt-Gallas -- Asia Leading IT Based Innovation in Insurance? / Woody Mo Yuan-Wu -- New Tech: New Opportunities / Peter Williamson -- CEOs and Solvency II: Time to Prepare and be Ready / Graham Handy
1. Management . 2. Directores financieros . 3. Mercado de seguros . 4. Gerencia de riesgos . 5. Solvencia II . 6. Congresos . 7. Asia . I. Embedded Finance & Super App Strategies . II. Association Internationale pour l'Etude de l'Economie de l'Assurance . III. Études et dossiers ; 374 .