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Addressing the demographic challenge in the insurance sector : summary report of the Conference of the Insurance Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (ISSDC) held in Brussels on 14 June 2012

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<title>Addressing the demographic challenge in the insurance sector</title>
<subTitle>: summary report of the Conference of the Insurance Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (ISSDC) held in Brussels on 14 June 2012</subTitle>
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<namePart>Conference of the Insurance Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (ISSDC) June 2012 Brussels</namePart>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">This document presents a report of the Conference of the Insurance Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (ISSDC) on Addressing the Demographic Challenge in the Insurance Sector. The conference was held as part of the project of the same theme and was cofinanced by the European Commission. One of the goals of the conference was to launch the ISSDC booklet on Combatting the demographic challenge in the insurance sector and tofurther debate the main approaches used  by companies in the sector to deal with an ageing population and to attract and retain talents in the sector. In launching the booklet of initiatives taken in the insurance sector in Europe, Insurance Europe, AMICE, BIPAR and UNI Europa fulfilled one of the commitments of their Joint Statement on the demographic challenge in the insurance sector agreed in January 2010</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">a report prepared with the support of ICF GHK</note>
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<topic>Crisis económica</topic>
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<topic>Ageingnomics. Economia senior</topic>
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