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How to connect with the Millennial market

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Kirkman, Will
How to connect with the Millennial market / Will Kirkman
Sumario: Penetration into the under-30s market remains low despite new app-based products and innovative solutions. Post, in association with GMC software, hosted a roundtable to find out what more the industry can do to address this
En: Post magazine : the insurance world covered since 1840. - London : Incisive Financial Publishing Ltd., 2005-2016. - 01/12/2016 Número 12 - diciembre 2016 , p. 40-43
1. Marketing estratégico . 2. Orientación al cliente . 3. Millennials . 4. Generación Y . 5. Empresas de seguros . 6. Mercado de seguros . 7. Márketing de la empresa de seguros . I. Título.