Pesquisa de referências

Perils of a restless planet : scientific perspectives on natural disasters

Zebrowski, Ernest
Perils of a restless planet : scientific perspectives on natural disasters / Ernest Zebrowski. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997
XI, 306 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Sumario: Life on earth's crust -- The evolution of science -- Hazards of shelter -- Death and life -- Restless seas -- Earth in upheaval -- Volcanoes and asteroid impacts -- Deadly winds -- Science and irreproducible phenomena -- Appendices: Notable tsunamis. Notable earthquakes. Notable hurricanes. "Killer" tornadoes. Measurement units
ISBN 0-521-57374-2
1. Catástrofes naturales . 2. Historia . 3. Riesgos geológicos . 4. Riesgos meteorológicos . 5. Tsunamis . 6. Terremotos . 7. Inundaciones . 8. Epidemias . I. Título.
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Assinatura: 84-ZEB-PER — Nº de registro: 023735
Empréstimo: DisponívelDisponível