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Technology is making waves in the marine insurance market : [interview with] Anne Marie Elder, Chief Underwriting Officer in AXA North America

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<title>Technology is making waves in the marine insurance market</title>
<subTitle>: [interview with] Anne Marie Elder, Chief Underwriting Officer in AXA North America</subTitle>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that's quite mainstream these days. And players in the Marine industry are finding ways to use it to their advantage. Cost-savings, safety, efficiency and product/service quality are all wins when embracing technological innovations, but there are some concerns to be addressed. One thing's for certain: MarineTech is here to stay and evolve. How do industry players do the same? AXA XL's Anne Marie Elder looks at how new technologies are changing the marine risks that her team insure and changing the way they underwrite risk</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">AXA XL Insurance</note>
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<topic>Seguro marítimo</topic>
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