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Best global brands 2020 : a new decade of possibility

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<title>Best global brands 2020</title>
<subTitle>: a new decade of possibility</subTitle>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">In 2020, in a year of turbulence so seismic in scale and rapid in impact that the world is still computing the effects, the aggregate value of the Top 100 Best Global Brands has grown by 9%. Their total brand value exceeds $2 trillion. As the pandemic and wider social outrage exposed fault lines in society and polarized people further; we see a similar divergence in the Best Global Brands with 43% of brands growing, and 57% declining in value (vs 29% declining in 2019). This years' winners are notable for particularly fast growth; the average increase amongst the top 3 brands alone was 50%. It's clear that in 2020, strong brands have become stronger as a result of the COVID effect, which has accelerated digital transformation trends, such as cloudbased tech and streaming, across sectors, reinforcing the dominance of technology first brands.</abstract>
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<topic>Imagen de marca</topic>
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