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Fundación MAPFRE magazine nº 53. December 2020 (English)

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<title>Fundación MAPFRE magazine nº 53. December 2020 (English)</title>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">We must bear in mind that there exists a world of education outside school: [interview] Mariano Jabonero, secretary general of the OEI (Organization of Ibero-American States) / Marta Villalba -- Jawlensky. The Landscape of Portraits -- Claudia Andujar: The strength of the Yanomami -- Neighborhood Superheroes Lukas Foundation. Listen to a voice and travel far and wide 7 Francisco Javier Sancho Mas -- Eduardo Camacho Collado, treasurer of ADCHoyo and one of the promoters of Zancadas Solidarias We focus our attention on small associations and organizations which have few other openings for obtaining funds / Cristina Bisbal -- When insurance is poetry / Ana Sojo -- Brain Damage App, a one-stop digital window / Ángel Martos -- Taking care of your health to be a better gamer / Isabel Prestel -- Near-Zero Cities / Ramón Oliver -- These are the winners of the third edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards / Cristina Bisbal -- The ageing population as an economic opportunity / Jaime Solís -- Another way to help /Laura Sánchez</tableOfContents>
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<title>La Fundación : revista de Fundación MAPFRE</title>
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<text>01/12/2020 Número 53 - diciembre Año 2020 , 68 p.</text>
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