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Global green guide : do cryptocurrencies have a place in the sustainable investment movement?

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<title>Global green guide</title>
<subTitle>: do cryptocurrencies have a place in the sustainable investment movement?</subTitle>
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<namePart>Legal 500</namePart>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">In 2008, the global economy collapsed and sparked a chain of events that would alter the world's financial markets forever. Financial regulations were thrown out and rewritten, household names in the banking world disappeared overnight and how people viewed finance and money was permanently changed. In amongst the chaos, a new idea emerged, which has increasingly dominated headlines and discussions in the last 14 years - cryptocurrency. Where Bitcoin forged a path, many others have followed, and the digital currency market is now overflowing with cryptoassets. Since its inception, cryptocurrency has (to put it mildly) divided opinion. However, in recent years, one notable factor has risen in prominence in the crypto debate - its energy consumption. Certain methods of mining cryptocurrency and the sheer amount of electricity required to power these processes have made headlines in recent months and years and encouraged critics and enthusiasts alike to debate whether cryptocurrency can find its place in the sustainable investment movement.</abstract>
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<topic>Inversiones socialmente responsables</topic>
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