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La Fundación : Fundación MAPFRE magazine. March 2022 (English)

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<title>Fundación : Fundación MAPFRE magazine. March 2022 (English)</title>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">María Blasco: It is already possible to delay aging-related diseases and increase longevity -- Jorge Ribalta. It's All True. Fictions and documents (1987-2020) -- Adolf Mas. The eyes of Barcelona -- The fruits of an extraordinary effort -- Junibel Lancho, a clinical psychologist and clinical director of the Lajman day hospital for severe mental disorders. She is a volunteer with the Asociación Barandilla's Suicide Hotline Both professionally and as a human being I am prepared to give the best of myself and give back to society what it has given me -- Can mindful eating improve health? -- The first educational metaverse -- Home delivery, a high-risk activity in the 21st century -- Why saving is not sexy (but can save our lives)? -- Social Innovation: the after effects -- When being older is a great opportunity -- Another way to help</abstract>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080570569">
<topic>Seguridad vial</topic>
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<topic>Ageingnomics. Economia senior</topic>
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<title>La Fundación : revista de Fundación MAPFRE</title>
<publisher>Madrid : Fundación MAPFRE, 2008-2022</publisher>
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<text>07/03/2022 Número 58 - marzo Año 2022 , 68 p.</text>
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