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La Fundación. Fundación MAPFRE Magazine, nº 60, September 2022 (English)

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<title>Fundación. Fundación MAPFRE Magazine, nº 60, September 2022 (English)</title>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Interview with Luis Rojas Marcos: "As long as we have health, life should be activity. We are better with age" / Nuria del Olmo -- Carrie Mae Weems. A great twist of the possible / Fundación MAPFRE Culture Area -- KBr Flama / Fundación MAPFRE Culture Area -- Julio González, Pablo Picasso and the dematerialization of sculpture / Fundación MAPFRE Culture Area -- Ilse Bing / Fundación MAPFRE Culture Area -- Help for a better future does not stop / Javier Mestre Jordá -- Diego Ramírez Portugués, a graduate in Statistics, has worked 24 years in Information Systems at Telefónica. He is a volunteer at Fundación Balia "The children I help bring me a lot of joy, regardless of their economic and family situation" / Cristina Bisbal -- No to hate in social networks / Angel Martos -- In defense of ostriches / Jesús Monclús -- Facing the demographic challenge, new housing models / Rafael Conde

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<title>La Fundación : revista de Fundación MAPFRE</title>
<publisher>Madrid : Fundación MAPFRE, 2008-2022</publisher>
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<text>22/09/2022 Número 60 - septiembre 2022 , 68 p.</text>
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