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Unlocking the future of people & organisations

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Unlocking the future of people & organisations. — Copenhagen : Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, 2023
62 p.
Introduction -- A stellar moment in history -- Megatrend brief -- How to use HR trends -- Trend map -- Five different clusters of HR trends -- Timeline of trends: Now, Near, Future -- Trends: Leadership & organisation -- Trends: Life & career -- Trends: People & talent -- Trends: Work & technology -- Trends: Culture & workspace -- Reach out. — Sumario: HR is finally being handed the torch and given a golden opportunity to step up and take charge of transforming and futureproofing organisations, work-practices, leadership- and workplace models, and our resulting company culture. To boldly create a 'visionary winning strategy' to drive and motivate profound organisa tional change. The biggest question is how HR departments set future directions for organisations and companies to adapt, align, and embrace all the changes happening in the world both inside and outside the company. Organisations need to repurpose the role of HR by breaking the instrumental mold. This is not merely a technical or structural exercise but one with great strategic responsibility, not only to the people in organisations, but also for the future of their business proposition
1. Gestión de recursos humanos . 2. Organizaciones . 3. Personas . 4. Liderazgo . 5. Talento . 6. Megatendencias . 7. Cambio organizativo . 8. Lugares de trabajo . 9. Cultura empresarial . I. Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies . II. Título.