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Guide insurance customers to safety and well-being : what consumers want in personal digital marketplaces

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Saldanha, Kenneth
Guide insurance customers to safety and well-being : what consumers want in personal digital marketplaces / Kenneth Saldanha, Todd Staehle. — Dublín : Accenture, 2021
13 p.
Sumario: A mature and historically stable industry, insurance has operated on established, reliable business strategies and methods. But when digital technology really began to take hold with consumers, it upended traditional insurance models. The good news is that the same technology disrupting insurers can be used to grow their business, ensuring relevance and the personalized insurance experience consumers want. . — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Empresas de seguros . 2. Mercado de seguros . 3. Márketing de la empresa de seguros . 4. Consumidores . 5. Bienestar . 6. Experiencia del cliente . 7. Personalización de productos . I. Staehle, Todd . II. Accenture . III. Título.