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PwC's 26th annual global CEO survey : winning today´s race while running tomorrow´s

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<title>PwC's 26th annual global CEO survey</title>
<subTitle>: winning today´s race while running tomorrow´s</subTitle>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">Forty percent of global CEOs think their organisation will no longer be economically viable in ten years' time, if it continues on its current course. That stark data point underscores a dual imperative facing 4,410 CEOs from 105 countries and territories who responded to PwC's 26th Annual CEO Survey. We've organised this year's survey summary into nine tough questionswhich naturally fall into three groupsabout what it takes to operate in our dual-imperative world: The first three questions reflect the race that CEOs must run to stay ahead of longer-term threats to their companies, to society and to the planet itself. The next three questions speak to day-to-day tensions that leaders are facing as macroeconomic conditions deteriorate, uncertainty rises and inflation hits levels not seen in decades. The final three questions epitomise the balancing act that CEOs must perform to deliver on their dual imperative</abstract>
<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">What's the half-life of your business? -- When will your company's climate clock run out? -- Should you bring your key business risks forward? -- How much is your mood today affecting your view of tomorrow? -- How do your resilience and your workforce strategies fit together? -- As geopolitical risks rise, what new contingencies are you preparing for? -- How much time and money are you investing in the future? -- How central are you to your company's reinvention? -- What kind of ecosystem are you building?</tableOfContents>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080605742">
<topic>Directivos de empresas</topic>
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<topic>Globalización de la economía</topic>
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<topic>Estrategia empresarial</topic>
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