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US inflation reduction Act : climate & energy features and potencial implications : August 2022

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Boston Consulting Group
US inflation reduction Act : climate & energy features and potencial implications : August 2022 / Boston Consulting Group. — Boston : Boston Consulting Group, 2022
28 p.
Sumario: US Congress recently enacted legislation, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), that includes $369B of funding for climate and energy over the next decade. This document provides an overview of the key climate and energy features of the legislation, shares the potential shift in economics of clean energy investments and technologies it can deliver, and describes initial implications and opportunities for firms
1. Legislación . 2. Medio ambiente . 3. Inflación . 4. Transición energética . 5. Cambio climático . 6. Reducción . 7. Inversiones socialmente responsables . 8. Control económico . 9. Estados Unidos . I. Título.