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2023 Economic and industry outlook : second quarter perspectives

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<title>2023 Economic and industry outlook</title>
<subTitle>: second quarter perspectives</subTitle>
<name type="corporate" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080440923">
<namePart>Fundación MAPFRE</namePart>
<name type="corporate" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20200008767">
<namePart>MAPFRE Economics</namePart>
<placeTerm type="code" authority="marccountry">esp</placeTerm>
<placeTerm type="text">Madrid</placeTerm>
<publisher>Fundación MAPFRE</publisher>
<languageTerm type="code" authority="iso639-2b">eng</languageTerm>
<form authority="marcform">print</form>
<extent>100 p. </extent>
<abstract displayLabel="Summary">In a context in which the world has lost capacity for long-term growth, it can be seen, however, that the world´s economy has improved its prospects for 2023 and 2024 with respect to what was anticipated in the previous quarter, based on a better performance and a greater contribution from all the world's economic regions. Thus, the risk of recession emanating from a large part of the developed economies has eased, underpinning the foundations for growth that, in general terms, is expected to be more benign thanks to the acceleration of economic activity in the short term. Despite this, and given the context of uncertainty, this moderate optimism remains insufficient to dismiss the risks of a "hard landing" contemplated over the course of 2022, compounded by recent signs of financial instability coming from the banking sector on both sides of the Atlantic. In this context, the insurance industry will be able to continue to benefit not only from the environment of higher interest rates and falling inflation, but also from the positive effect on insurance demand resulting from stronger economic activity in 2023</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">MAPFRE Economics</note>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080586294">
<topic>Mercado de seguros</topic>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080623920">
<topic>Análisis económico-financiero</topic>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080611897">
<topic>Perspectivas económicas</topic>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080611880">
<topic>Perspectivas del seguro</topic>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080575298">
<topic>Crisis económica</topic>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080551346">
<classification authority="">219</classification>
<url displayLabel="Acceso al documento / Access the document"/>
<url displayLabel="MÁS INFORMACIÓN" usage="primary display">
<relatedItem type="otherVersion">
<title>Panorama económico y sectorial 2023 : perspectivas hacia el segundo trimestre</title>
<identifier type="local">MAP20230006924</identifier>
<recordContentSource authority="marcorg">MAP</recordContentSource>
<recordCreationDate encoding="marc">180608</recordCreationDate>
<recordChangeDate encoding="iso8601">20231214131644.0</recordChangeDate>
<recordIdentifier source="MAP">MAP20230009680</recordIdentifier>
<languageTerm type="code" authority="iso639-2b">spa</languageTerm>