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The Actuary. May 2023 : the magazine of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

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<subTitle>: the magazine of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries</subTitle>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Editorial. The Turkey-Syria earthquake has brought home the risk presented by natural disasters/ Yiannis Parizas; President and CEO comment Matt Saker and Stephen Mann share what the IFoA is doing to ensure our profession is open to all; IFoA news. The latest IFoA updates and events --  Interview;  Sir Michael Marmot/ The author of the seminal Marmot Review into health inequality in the UK says things have only got worse  but insurers can help -- Health: Wait watchers Stuart McDonald and Natalie Tikhonovsky examine the impact of  A&E delays on excess death -- Insurance: Greasing the wheels Trad insurers and insurtechs can rub along together, say Tim Smith, Patrick Kosmützky and Lisa Balboa -- Insurance: Seismic shift Alexandros Zimbidis and Emmanouil Louloudis are exploring the way we model the financial fallout from earthquakes -- Risk: When the music stops Ree Chen, David Chen and Susan Siew take notes from the 21st -- Maths: X and why Category theorist Eugenia Cheng's latest book asks big questions century's three major financial crises -- Sustainability: What planet are we on? Mark Cliff e points to the huge elephants in the room with our standard climate risk scenarios --  Pensions: Routemaster Derek Steeden and Andrew Reid on how DB pension schemes can reach their desired destination using capital-backed funding -- Health: Apt apps IFoA working party members explore the use of digital mental health tools in insurance -- Pensions: Trust exercise What are the rules around pensions commutation? Chris O'Brien explains -- Technology: Man vs machine What happens when you get ChatGPT to come up with an AI risk taxonomy? Karen Usher shares the results --  Extra-curricular. Long-distance swimmer Hugh Sellars on his Channel challenge; Soft skills: Delivering the facts You've got the data analysis skills, says Miro Kazakoff , but can you communicate your findings?; Student; Prateek Didwania examines how chatbots could aff ect insurers; People/society news; The latest updates and events</tableOfContents>
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<title>The Actuary : the magazine of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries</title>
<publisher>London :  Redactive Publishing, 2019-</publisher>
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<text>15/05/2023 Número 4 - mayo 2023 , 52 p.</text>
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