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Contingencies: American Academy of Actuaries. September - October 2023

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Contingencies: American Academy of Actuaries. September - October 2023
A Delicate Boon: Maintaining the public's trust is paramount to the profession's self-regulation -- Everyone Plays a Part: Applying Precept 13. Concerning apparent, unresolved, material -- Into New Frontiers: Professionalism considerations for working in developing areas of actuarial practice violations of the Code of Professional Conduct -- A Professionalism 360 -- If the Public Only Knew -- A Lifetime of Professionalism -- Hacking the Planet, Part .Climate Engineering: Born Out of Desperation -- ASOPs Your Input Wanted -- 2023 SOA impact conference -- IFRS 17 Challenges for Reinsurance:
Fitting a Square Peg in a Round Hole -- Curbing Insurance Fraud Requires Buy-In of Public, Providers, Policymakers -- Name Game -- The Unreliable Narrator -- Finding Pentagons -- How Did They Do It?
En: Contingencies : American Academy of Actuaries. - Washington : American Academy of Actuaries, 2019-2024. - 04/09/2023 Año 2023 Número 4 - 2023 septiembre , 68 p.
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Actuarios . 3. Métodos actuariales . 4. Reaseguro . 5. Fraude . I. Título.