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Private equity, M&A and tax report 2024 : Redefining M&A insurance for the future

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<title>Private equity, M&A and tax report 2024</title>
<subTitle>: Redefining M&A insurance for the future</subTitle>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">In our fourth edition of the BMS Private Equity, M&A and Tax Report we have again taken the opportunity to ask our clients what their experience of using M&A insurance is like. Below you will find a summary of the key results, along with contributions from a number of the experts across our global teams, which we hope you find interesting. The rest of our report, as always, covers hot topics and trends fromour key M&A hubs around the world but also explores the nuanced transaction dynamics where our products and expertise as trusted advisors comes into play the most</abstract>
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