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The Transfer of skill from short tennis to lawn tennis

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Coldwells, A.
The Transfer of skill from short tennis to lawn tennis / A. Coldwells and M.E. Hare
Sumario: The purpose of this study was to establish if short tennis skills transfered to lawn tennis. The experiment was conducted in two parts. In the first experiment 16 children were coached for 20 h.(2 h/day for 2 weeks). Teh experimental group received 10 h. of short tennis coaching followed by 10 h of tennis coaching. The control group received tennis coaching only. In the second experiment 14 children were coached for 8 h in ground strokes alone. The experimental group received 4 h. of short tennis coaching and 4 h. of tennis coaching; the control group received tennis coaching only. Prior to coaching, all children were tested on the Dyer Backboard Test. The tests were video-taped for later analysis of technique. The video was analysed by three coaches in terms of backswing, positioning (position where player stood in reference to the bounce of the ball), follow-through, and placement. The results support the hypothesis that short tennis accelerates the acquisition of skills required to play tennis
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 37, nº 1, January 1994 ; p. 17-21
1. Ergonomía . 2. Deportes . 3. Formación . 4. Tenis . 5. Métodos analíticos . I. Hare, M.E. . II. Título. III. Título: Ergonomics.