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Seção: ArtigosTítulo: Effects on load handling of restricted and unrestricted shelf opening clearances / Anil Mital and Luh-Wang WangAutor: Mital, AnilNotas: Sumario: Changes in psychological lifting capacity with reductions in shelf opening clearances were experimentally determined. Three levels of shelf opening clearances were studied: unrestricted shelf opening clearance, loose shelf opening clearance (a clearance of 15 mm between the box width and the shelf opening), and tight shelf opening clearance (a clearance of 3mm between the box width and the shelf opening). The results indicated a decline in the psychological lifting capacity of the subjects as the shelf opening clearance became narrowerRegistros relacionados: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 32, nº 1, January 1989 ; p. 39-49Materia / lugar / evento: ErgonomíaCarga de materialesPsicofísicaCapacidad de trabajoAntropometríaConsumo de oxígenoFrecuencia cardíacaOtros autores: Wang, Luh-Wang Títulos secundários: Título: Ergonomics Outras classificações: 875Direitos: In Copyright (InC)