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MAP20071020559Davids, KeithThe Effects of helmet design and bowling speed on indices of stress in cricket batting / Keith Davids and Michael MorganSumario: Elite cricketers believe that the use of helmets may help to reduce anxiety when facing fast bowling although they risk visual impairment in time-stressed circumstances. This study aimed to determine the effects of helmet design and bowling speed on heart rate (HR), anxiety and batting performanceEn: Ergonomics. - London [etc.]. - Vol. 31, nº 11, November 1988 ; p. 1665-16711. Ergonomía. 2. Deportes. 3. Cricket. 4. Diseño. 5. Cascos de protección. 6. Estrés. 7. Velocidad. 8. Frecuencia cardíaca. I. Morgan, Michael. II. Título. III. Título: Ergonomics.