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Relations between shoulder/neck disorders and EMG zero crossing shifts in female assembly workers using the test contraction method

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Suurküla, Jaan
Relations between shoulder/neck disorders and EMG zero crossing shifts in female assembly workers using the test contraction method / Jaan Suurküla and Göran M. Hägg
Sumario: Pain and discomfort in the shoulder/neck region is a serious problem amongst workers in many categories of assembly work. It has been suggested that these disorders are related to local muscular fatigue. In this study 14 female assembly workers were studied
En: Ergonomics. - London [etc.]. - Vol. 30, nº 11, November 1987 ; p. 1553-1564
1. Ergonomía . 2. Biomecánica . 3. Contracciones musculares . 4. Electromiografía . 5. Fatiga . 6. Extremidades superiores . 7. Métodos de análisis . 8. Tests . I. Hägg, Göran M. . II. Título. III. Título: Ergonomics.