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An Approach for estimating workplace exposure to o-toluidine, aniline, and nitrobenzene

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Pendergrass, Stephanie M.
An Approach for estimating workplace exposure to o-toluidine, aniline, and nitrobenzene / Stephanie M. Pendergrass
Sumario: A comprehensive approach to estimating worker exposure to o-toluidine, aniline, and nitrobenzene using a combination of surface wipe, dermal badge, and air samples is described. Initial research efforts focused on the determination of a suitable desorption solvent for all three analytes. Then each sample collection method was evaluated to determine effects of sampling media on recovery, variations due to exposure times, storage stability, relative humidity, and flow rates
En: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal. - Fairfax, Virginia. - Vol. 55, nº 8, August 1994 ; p. 733-737
1. Higiene industrial . 2. Contaminantes químicos . 3. Anilina . 4. Nitrobenceno . 5. Procesos industriales . 6. Toxicología . 7. Enfermedades profesionales . 8. Cáncer . I. Título. II. Título: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal.