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Are your employees dead tired? : sleepy workers may need medical attention

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Graham, Sandy
Are your employees dead tired? : sleepy workers may need medical attention / by Sandy Graham
Sumario: Many of the 22 million shift workers in the United States, particulary those who work rotating shifts of days, then afternoons and then nights, suffer from sleep disorders. The National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research reports that insomnia, the inability to sleep or sleep well, affects an estimated 40 percent to 80 percent of shift workers
En: Safety & health. - Itasca. - Vol. 151, nº 3, March 1995 ; p. 62-66
1. Ergonomía . 2. Insomnio . 3. Fatiga mental . 4. Ritmo circadiano . 5. Trabajo por turnos . I. Título. II. Título: Safety & health.