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NATO's efforts to set indoor air quality guidelines and standards

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Maroni, Marco
NATO's efforts to set indoor air quality guidelines and standards / Marco Maroni, Robert Axelrad, Alessandro Bacaloni
Sumario: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society conducted a multinational cooperative program involving about 200 experts from 15 countries during 1989-1993 to examine policy strategies in indoor air quality (IAQ) and propose a range of options that could be adopted by NATO nations. This international effort produced recommendations about a wide spectrum of issues related to IAQ. The development of guidelines and standards was recognized as an essential tool in promiting the achievement of high IAQ
En: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal. - Akron, Ohio. - Vol. 56, nº 5, May 1995 ; p. 499-508
1. Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte . 2. Higiene industrial . 3. Contaminación en ambientes laborales . 4. Recintos cerrados . 5. Calidad del aire . 6. Guías . 7. Recomendaciones . I. Axelrad, Robert . II. Bacaloni, Alessandro . III. Título. IV. Título: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal.