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Walking in visually handicapped children and its energy cost

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Bunc, Václav
Walking in visually handicapped children and its energy cost / Václav Bunc, Jarmila Sagetova and Lucie Safarikova
Sumario: The study concludes that in visually handicapped children the energy cost of walking, and thus adaptation to walking, is the same as in the healthy children. The visually handicapped individuals show a "normal" response to exercise, to which they are adapted, with increases in both cardiovascular and muscular fitness
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 43, nº 10, October 2000 ; p. 1571-1577
1. Niños . 2. Minusválidos . 3. Consumo energético . 4. Ejercicio físico . I. Segetova, Jarmila . II. Safarikova, Lucie . III. Título. IV. Título: Ergonomics.