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Beyond empowerment : building a company of citizens

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Manville, Brook
Beyond empowerment : building a company of citizens / Brook Manville, Josiah Ober
The article explains an adequate democratic models for the organizations, it is "citizens". The system succeeded in bringing individual initiative and common cause into harmony. And that is precisely the synthesis that today's companies need to achieve if they're to realize the full power of their people and thrive in the knowledge economy
En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - January 2003 ; p. 48-53
1. Estructura organizativa . 2. Recursos humanos . 3. Gestión de recursos humanos . 4. Creatividad . 5. Motivación . 6. Efectividad organizacional . 7. Organización interna . 8. Modelos organizativos . I. Ober, Josiah . II. Título. III. Título: Harvard business review.