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An Analysis of the quality of Internet life insurance advice

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Dorfman, Mark S.
An Analysis of the quality of Internet life insurance advice / Mark S. Dorfman, Saul W. Adelman
This article analyzes the quality of the life insurance recomendations generated by Internet web site. The quality of a web site's recomendations is measured by comparing how closely the recomendations match two benchmarks chosen by the authors
En: Risk management and insurance review. - New York : The American Risk and Insurance Association. - Vol. 5, nº 2 Fall 2002 ; p. 135-154
1. Internet . 2. Creación de páginas web . 3. Servicios financieros . 4. Productos de seguros . 5. Empresas de seguros . 6. Nuevas tecnologías . 7. Márketing de la empresa de seguros . 8. Comercio electrónico . I. Adelman, Saul W. . II. American Risk and Insurance Association . III. Título. IV. Título: Risk management and insurance review.