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Medical surveillance of clandestine drug laboratory investigators

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Medical surveillance of clandestine drug laboratory investigators / Burgess, Jefferey L.... [et al]
Law enforcement officers investigating clandestine drug laboratories may be exposed to a wide range of hazardous chemical. This study was conducted to determine the extent of persistent health effects seen in California drug laboratory investigators after occupational exposure
En: Journal of occupational health and environmental medicine. - Towson, MD. - Vol. 44, nº 2, February 2002 ; p. 184-191
1. Drogas . 2. Laboratorios químicos . 3. Investigación . 4. Sustancias químicas . 5. Enfermedades respiratorias . 6. California . 7. Casos prácticos . I. Burgess, Jefferey L. . II. Título. III. Título: Journal of occupational and environmental medicine.